Dental Surgery

Plasma Face Treatment in Lahore

PRP therapy in cosmetology is a procedure that is performed to rejuvenate the skin. The patient’s blood is used as an active substance, from which liquid plasma is isolated with the help of special equipment and injected under the skin.

As a result, the mechanism of tissue regeneration is triggered, the aging processes of the body are suspended. The effect of plasma face treatment is almost instantaneous, so the procedure is in great demand among consumers.

Who is recommended for PRP therapy?

Doctors-cosmetologists of the Stay Young Clinic are sure that PRP facial therapy is suitable for anyone who wants to become outwardly younger, i.e., both men and women. Certainly, it is crucial to take into account the individual characteristics of each person’s body. As practice shows, the first plasma face injections can be started after 30 and up to 70. This procedure will be no less effective.

How is PRP facial therapy procedure carried out?

PRP facial therapy takes a minimum of time, does not require anesthesia, has no side effects, and does not cause allergic reactions. At the first stage, blood is taken from the patient’s vein to prepare plasma from increased stimulant cells’ content. The second stage is the direct injection of the obtained plasma from the patient’s blood by painless injections into various areas of the face and neck.

The role of platelets is to enhance local tissue immunity, accelerate healing, and normalize metabolic processes. Platelets are needed for both health and beauty: as a result of the introduction of plasma; there is a sharp increase in fibroblasts involved in synthesizing the extracellular matrix, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. The more of these elements, the younger and healthier the skin.

The method of injecting your platelet-rich plasma is successfully used not only in aesthetic medicine but also in surgery, dentistry, burn therapy, and sports medicine.

It is impossible to inject simply the patient’s blood into the tissues since, in addition to platelets in the blood, there are also leukocytes (which, due to their natural functions, when introduced into the skin, cause inflammation). Therefore, the blood is divided into several components using a special centrifuge: erythrocytes, leukocytes, and plasma with platelets. The resulting plasma can be used for any area requiring correction: face, body, or scalp.

Now you don’t need to browse “Platelet rich plasma facial near me” on Google. Stay Young Clinic is a perfect choice for all your needs. We use up-to-date techniques and the latest tools to provide you the valuable treatment that you deserve.

The effectiveness of PRP therapy for face at Stay Young.

Platelet-rich plasma face injections at Stay Young Clinic help restore skin at all its levels, stimulating both the formation of new skin cells and the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to smooth wrinkles and overall tissue lifting.

The activation of the antioxidant system of the skin ensures its saturation with oxygen. Due to this, the complexion of the skin of the face gets better, its turgor is improved, the peeling of the epidermis is reduced, the relief is leveled, wrinkles and flabbiness are eliminated, and the intensity of hyperpigmentation decreases.

Also, the cosmetologists of the Stay Young Clinic consider this complex to more effectively stimulate collagen recovery.

The first changes can be observed within 7-10 days. The skin becomes more elastic, silky, the complexion is evened out, and fine wrinkles disappear.

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Monday – Friday 8.00 – 18.00
Saturday 9.00 – 17.00
Sunday 9.00 – 15.00
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